I've got this js:
which gets the hash value from the url something.com/diary.php#0800 for example.
The value is then used to autofill the start and end times in an appointment form.
I need the second time (#appt_end) to be incremented by 15 minutes? Any ideas how I do this, my js is rubbish...
Here's the working code I'm now using:
// add the time into the form
var hashraw = parent.location.hash;
var minIncrement = 15; // how many minutes to increase
hash = hashraw.replace("#", ""); // remove the hash
// first we split the time in hours and mins
var hours = parseInt(hash.substring(0, 2),10); // get hours (first 2 chars)
var mins = parseInt(hash.substring(2, 4),10); // get mins (last 2 chars)
// add the new minutes, and enforce it to fit 60 min hours
var newMins = (mins + minIncrement )%60;
// check if the added mins changed thehour
var newHours = Math.floor( (mins + minIncrement ) / 60 );
// create the new time string (check if hours exceed 24 and restart it
// first we create the hour string
var endTime = ('0' + ((hours+newHours)%24).toString()).substr(-2);
// then we add the min string
endTime += ('0'+ newMins.toString()).substr(-2);
$('#appt_end').val( endTime );