




Hi all,

I have a problem using the .mouseenter() method on a div. The initial mouseenter event is triggered when the mouse enters the div. However as soon as the mouse enters a child, the mouseleave events is triggered. I was expecting the mouseleave to be triggered ONLY when the mouse goes effectively outside the div area and not ALSO if the mouse enters a child element.

According to http://api.jquery.com/mouseenter/ and their mouseenter/mouseover comparison this is what should happen however this is not what I observe. It looks like the problem only happens when the mouse enters ul/li/a elements. When the child is a div there is no problem.

I am running jquery 1.4.2 + jquery ui 1.8.2 and I tested with Chrome 7.0.5, FF 3.6.11, IE 8.0.6


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