How to open One jsp from another through Struts?
For example,
I have 2 JSPs, Page1.jsp & Page2.jsp.
Page1.jsp does not contain any Form.
Page2.jsp contains a Form.
I need a link on Page1.jsp which when clicked takes me to Page2.jsp.
What are the Actionmappings needed to be added to struts-config.xml?
I tried adding these lines in Page1.jsp
<html:link page="">Page2</html:link> <a href="">Page2</a>
In struts-config.xml, the following Action-mapping
<action path="/Page2" parameter="Page2.jsp" type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction"/>
The "href" one works, while the one with "html:link" does not take me to Page2.jsp.
Why is that?