+1  A: 

do you use VSTO (Visual studio tools for office)?


Roni Schwarts
No, is VSTO a set of tools? Or is a support website, where one can ask questions in an open forum, and get them answered from other developers?
Ian Boyd
+1  A: 

Wow that's a huge number of questions. I think that in general if your app is using the PIAs then you're assuming that your target audience has some version of Office installed. The PIAs will be installed in the GAC when the target user installs Office. If they don't have Office installed then why are you targeting Office?

Yes, the Office dlls are the correct way to automate Office. There's a list of the assemblies here, including some for Office 2007.

The PIAs are not installed when you installed Office, otherwise i would have been able to build the solution.
Ian Boyd
+1  A: 

The answer is to "Copy Local" whatever assembly dll you get for the interop. Once you have the assembly dll in your output folder, add a reference to it, and check it into source control.

Now everyone has the referenced assembly dll.

Ian Boyd


Im also facing the same problem, as the above question.

I have a c# window application and i have added reference to microsoft office 2007 in my visual studio 2008. Now if suppose my client has microsoft office 2003, i need to change the reference to micorsoft office 2003. How can i achieve changing the references?

Cud anyone plz help me in this regard?

thank u