




I'm writing a tool to update some xml files (pom.xml in this case) with scala because the effort it would take in java is significantly higher than (in theory) it is with scala. I can parse the xml file just fine, but I need to replace nodes in the existing xml and rewrite the result. for example:


So I want to find all nodes like this and replace them with:

    <version>1.0</version> <!-- notice the lack of -SNAPSHOT here -->

So, I can get all the version nodes simply enough, but how to replace them with the node that I want?

// document is already defined as the head of the xml file
nodes = for (node <- document \\ "version"; if (node.text.contains("SNAPSHOT"))) yeild node

then I want to do something like:

for (node <- nodes) {
    node.text = node.text.split("-")(0)

which doesn't work because node is immutable. I looked at the copy method for a Node, but it doesn't include text as a parameter.

pointers to examples/doc would be appreciated.

Thanks, Jeff

+2  A: 

Text is represented as a Node inside of the Elements Node. So a bit of functional recursion will let you do a deep copy & filter:

def deepCopy(node:Node) : Node = node match {
  case e : Elem => e.copy(child = this.child.toSeq.map(deepCopy)
  case t : Text => new Text(t.text.split("-").head)
  case x => x

disclaimer: this code was not tested for errors

Kevin Wright
+3  A: 

You really should take a look at other questions on Stack Overflow about modifying XML. Look at the "Related" links to the right.


scala> <dependency>
     |     <groupId>foo</groupId>
     |     <artifactId>bar</artifactId>
     |     <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
     | </dependency>
res0: scala.xml.Elem =

scala> new scala.xml.transform.RewriteRule {
     |   override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n match {
     |     case <version>{v}</version> if v.text contains "SNAPSHOT" => <version>{v.text.split("-")(0)}</version>
     |     case elem: Elem => elem copy (child = elem.child flatMap (this transform))
     |     case other => other
     |   }
     | } transform res0
res9: Seq[scala.xml.Node] =