If I have a variable, X, of type SqlDecimal, that was instantiated without providing a decimal value parameter to the constructor, then the .IsNull property is True:
Dim X As New SqlDecimal '.Value = Null
If I have a Stored Procedure that acepts a single parameter, @SqlDecimalParameter, of type Decimal, the value of this this parameter could be NULL or a decimal value. This is how I would normally call the stored procedure:
Dim Cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
If X.IsNull Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(parameterName:="@SqlDecimalParameter", value:=DBNull.Value))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(parameterName:="@SqlDecimalParameter", value:=X.Value))
End If
However, I would expect the following to work, but it does not when the X.IsNull is true.
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(parameterName:="@SqlDecimalParameter", value:=X))
It seems like the 1st example should work. Am I missing something? after all, the Sql datatypes are designed to work with SQL Server, I thought.
When X is set to the following
commissionDue = New SqlDecimal(3.2)
I get the following error:
Failed to convert parameter value from a SqlDecimal to a Decimal
It works when X.IsNull is True.
How do you set the value of the PARAM object when it can be NULL?