Hello everyone, I am new to C and I am trying to create a simple C shell that will allow the user to perform various functions like chdir, cd, exit, mkdir.
I've posted my code below. Can anyone look through it and see what I am doing wrong? I am not sure if I am using fork
and execcv
correctly. Thanks!
include stdio.h
include stdlib.h
include unistd.h
include <string.h>
include sys/types.h
main() {
//char *user;
//if ((user = getlogin()) == NULL)
// perror("__getlogin1() error");
//else printf("__getlogin1() returned %s\n", user);
int j, status;
int pid, c_pid;
int i = 0;
char *tmp, **ap;
char instring[80]; // store one line of input
char *argv[10]; // store parameters in the format for execv()
printf("Please enter a commcand:\n");
// read a char at a time and put it in instring[]
// put a '\0' at the end
instring[i] = getc(stdin); // stdin is the keyboard
while (instring[i] != '\n') {
instring[i] = getc(stdin);
instring[i] = '\0'; // replace '\n' with '\0'
tmp = instring;
i = 0;
argv[i] = strsep(&tmp, " \t"); // put first word int argv[0]
while ((i < 10) && (argv[i] != '\0')) {
argv[i] = strsep(&tmp, " \t");
// print out the command and options.
i = 0;
while (argv[i] != '\0') {
printf("your entered: %s\n", argv[i++]);
if ((c_pid = fork()) == 0) {
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
printf("child (%d) prints %d\n", getpid(), j);
} else if (c_pid > 0) {
c_pid = wait(&status);
printf("child %d exited with status %d\n", c_pid, status);
} else {
execvp(argv[0], argv);
goto promptstart;