



So I have been twiddling with a personal project to import my garmin gps data into a local database. The data lives in a GPX xml file, whose schema is defined by an xsd file.

The idea is for the client to upload their GPX file, and the SL client would validate it before sending it to the server. But I ran into some issues here, first that it seems silverlight cannot validate xml against xsd.

So first, is this true or have I just not figured out how to do the validation on the client side? I already wrote the code on the server side (a regular class library) but this code wont compile on the client side if I try to move it there. An error about can't use 'new XmlSchemaSet();' because it is a private constructor.

Secondly, assuming that I do indeed have to do the validation on the server side, how with RIA do I return informative errors to the client?