



I am using symfony 1.4, to create my project with propel as ORM. i want to get the response in JSON format, when i call a url. I have set the headers to "application/json" but it is not working, i am getting the response back in HTML format..which i am not able to decode. How can we set content-type in symfony?? example code: Action-

 public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
     $data_array=array("name" => "harry", "mobile" => "9876543210");


  header('Content-type: application/json');
  echo $output;
+3  A: 

ok i got where i was going wrong..yhe code should have been.. Action-

public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
 $data_array=array("name" => "harry", "mobile" => "9876543210");
 return $this->renderText($data_json); 

this code has worked for me, please post if any better solution you have got..

Harish Kurup
You don't need to have anything in the view template if you're using $this->renderText().
ok! i.e no need to echo $data_json; yeah the render function will any way render and throw the JSON output.. hey thank you @richsage
Harish Kurup