



Hi all,

It seems that the phone control toolkit is missing the BusyIndicator control. Does someone know about one ? does something else specific exists for WP7 ?

Thanks in advance for your help

+2  A: 

Have you seen the ProgressBar control? You can use the ProgressBar control to show that your application is busy doing something. It is recommended that you use PerformanceProgressBar by Jeff Wilcox (Remember to read his follow up post too, it is important to consider IsIndeterminate and its value).

If you wanted to create a splash screen with a progress bar in it, check out this example. Alex also shows how to customize the progress dialog in this post.

HTH, indyfromoz

Thanks for your answer, I like the splash screen sample How would you use it in a mvvm approch ?
Hi Tim, I haven't used the sample you like in an MVVM application. However, I have used the PerformanceProgressBar in an application with MVVMLight, here is the blog post and sample code link (from my blog) - You can have the popup splash screen in a Grid whose visibility is data bound to a dependency property in the view model. In StartLoadingData, set the property to true, and, in backroungWorker_RunWorkerCompleted, set the property to false, thereby hiding the grid. Is this clear?