




Hi everybody,

I am trying to set session time out limit to 30 minutes in magento. But it is not expiring in 30 minutes. I gone into System->Configuration->Web->Session Cookie management and set 1800 value for the field Cookie Life time but still it is not expiring the session in specified time out limit. I don't know what is the wrong with magento frontend session.

Am I setting the limit at right place? Is there any other setting in magento backend to set the frontend session time out limit.

Please help guys I am facing this problem from past 2 days and even didn't found on the web.

Many Thanks.


I had this issue with the Magento admin session (apologies for the self-post, but I wrote a blog post about it here). The crux of the problem is that Magento's cookies obey PHP's session.gc_maxlifetime parameter. If you adjust that in your htaccess like the following, you should have better luck:

php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 86400

Hope that helps!

Thanks, Joe

Joseph Mastey
Thanks for your interest Joseph. But the actual problem is the session is never expiring and I want to set it to expire in 30 minutes. Even session.gc_maxlifetime is set to default 1440.
Shakti Singh
How does "Session Cookie Management" affect this? (see Web section of configuration)
Joe, Do you have any Idea? When I go and set time limit for admin session. It is working for admin area. But no luck for frontend.
Shakti Singh
Hi Joe, After doing a lot of stuff,exercise I got What I was doing wrong. I am Just Posting as an answer.
Shakti Singh
+1  A: 

Hi guys,

I found What I was missing. I am posting here so that in future if anyone face this kind of problem can consider this thing.

I was setting the cookie life time for default configuration but it not worked.

But this also needs to set time out in website and store configuration scope.

After setting time for theses scopes it worked.


Shakti Singh