




is anyone know any program that make all installation in one button ?

i want to press one button and to install FrameWork...CristallReport...MDAC... and so on..

thank's for any help

+1  A: 

I actually wrote a whole blog post on how to create a developer's installer at:

Basically if you want to do it for free I recommend using NSIS and if you have some money and want to do it with a lot less effort, than install4j is great tool.

Stephane Grenier

I guess you'll have to go for the building of your own msi or exe pack. I have already proposed it here for someone who wanted to deploy the MS Access runtime automatically. The very same principle can apply to the deployment of any software.

When multiple users/machines should have similar software installed, using msi packs over a domain can make things really smart: by defining deployment policies, you can have your msi packs automatically installed on the machines when a new computer joins the domain, or when a user logs on a machine.

I will also have a look at the tools proposed by Stephane Grenier here

Philippe Grondier
+1  A: 

you can use the msi technology from microsoft. there you can add msm packets to you setup. msm are small unattended setups for runtimes like crystalreports. thoses packets merge fully into you setup without any pain.

Bernd Ott
+2  A: 

Try out using WiX to create a custom installer without interaction. The Dependencies can be included if they are availlable as MSModules, or with a bootstrapper automatically created by WiX.

Your created MSI-Package can even be rolled out via group policies, WSUS-Server with local publishing or click installation.

If you provide .NET-Applications only, you could also try out ClickOnce deployment. Redistributable librarys can be deployed via ClickOnce, too.
