Native C++ library that I am using in C++/CLI project raises events giving me results,
- If I try to handle the event by extending the unmanaged event, it says the ref class can only extend ref class.
- I then tried to create a native event but have manged object inside it to collect the results, but I get the error cannot declare managed object in unmanaged class.
Is there anyway to get it done in one of the ways I am trying, or should I declare unmanaged result objects fill them in unmanaged event and then Marshall it ?
class MyNativeListener: public NativeEventListener
ManagedResultsObject ^_results;
void onEndProcessing(ProcessingEvent *event)
_results.Value = event->value;
//Many more properties to capture
This is what I am trying, I have extended the native event listener to capture the event, but not sure how to capture the results to a managed object.
Edit2 Found this while searching on the same line as suggested by @mcdave auto_gcroot