I'm stuck, and unable to solve this issue. In my case i have a complex table, and table header has another view. I've tried to follow the UICataglog example provided by Apple, but its not working... Here's the code:
# define kOFFSET_FOR_KEYBOARD 150.0 // keyboard is 150 pixels height
// Animate the entire view up or down, to prevent the keyboard from covering the author field.
- (void)setViewMovedUp:(BOOL)movedUp
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.3];
// Make changes to the view's frame inside the animation block. They will be animated instead
// of taking place immediately.
CGRect rect = self.view.frame;
CGRect textViewRect = self.textViewBeingEdited.frame;
CGRect headerViewRect = self.headerView.frame;
if (movedUp) {
// If moving up, not only decrease the origin but increase the height so the view
// covers the entire screen behind the keyboard.
rect.origin.y -= kOFFSET_FOR_KEYBOARD;
rect.size.height += kOFFSET_FOR_KEYBOARD;
} else {
// If moving down, not only increase the origin but decrease the height.
rect.origin.y += kOFFSET_FOR_KEYBOARD;
rect.size.height -= kOFFSET_FOR_KEYBOARD;
self.view.frame = rect;
[UIView commitAnimations];
Can anyone help me out here. I'm getting very unexpected results. What am i missing? I tied updating the origin's y coordinate and height of frame but nothing seems to be working.