I have the below code that is suppose to copy data from an excel file I receive in a email and paste it to another file on the row that has the same date. When I try and run the macro it says there is an error. Can anyone look at my code and direct me as to where my error is. I am fairly new to coding and creating macros.
Sub CopyDataToPlan()
Dim LDate As String
Dim LColumn As Integer
Dim LFound As Boolean
Dim WS As Worksheet
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
Set WS = Workbooks("McKinney Daily Census Template OCT 10.xls").Sheets("McKinney")
'Retrieve date value to search for
WS = Workbooks("McKinney Daily Census Template OCT 10.xls").Cell("B15").Value
'Start at column B
LColumn = 2
LFound = False
While LFound = False
'Encountered blank cell in row 2, terminate search
If Len(Cells(2, LColumn)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No matching date was found."
Exit Sub
'Found match in row 2
ElseIf Cells(2, LColumn) = LDate Then
'Select values to copy from "McKinney" sheet
Sheets("McKinney Daily Census Template OCT 10.xls").Select
'Paste onto "Key Indicator" sheet
Cells(3, LColumn).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
LFound = True
MsgBox "The data has been successfully copied."
'Continue searching
LColumn = LColumn + 1
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error occurred."
End Sub