I'm trying to list the properties (i.e. all properties that have a getter method) using Groovy. I can do this using myObj.properties.each { k,v -> println v}
and that works fine. But, that also prints for the entire superclass hierarchy as well. If I just want to list the properties for the current class (and not the super class), is that possible?
Here's a way that I hacked out but maybe you can build on it.
class Abc {
def a
def b
class Xyz extends Abc {
def c
def d
def xyz = new Xyz(c:1,d:2)
xyz.metaClass.methods.findAll{it.declaringClass.name == xyz.class.name}.each {
if(it.name.startsWith("get")) {
println xyz.metaClass.invokeMethod(xyz.class,xyz,it.name,null,false,true)
2010-10-26 21:00:03
@Stan, thanks. That's what I was thinking, but was hoping there was a "groovier" way to do it.
Jeff Storey
2010-10-26 21:39:17