How do you optimize ActiveRecord calls in your ASP.NET MVC 2 web applications ?
I'm sitting in front of my project and all is fine until I start to fill in data. Like a lot of projects I have a data structure similar to this:
A planet has many countries. A country has many states/provinces. A State has many cities. A city has many neighborhoods.
Below an example of Castle ActiveRecord/NHibernate persistent business object
public class Country {
public String CountryName { get; set; }
public IList<State> States { get; set; }
Now suppose you want to do an innocent request like getting a list of all the countries on the planet
By default, ActiveRecord/Nhibernate will load the entire tree, until the very last dependency.
It can turn out to be A LOT of SQL calls.
Okay, we can solve that with lazy loading [ActiveRecord(lazy=true)]
but then whenever you want to do something neat like below
String text = "This country of " + country.CountryName + " has the following states:";
foreach(State s in country.States)
text += s.StateName + " ";
With the lazy load activerecord attribute every time it fetches for s.StateName it's another sql call.
That's way too many sql calls.
Some friends of mine suggested using ActiveRecordBase methods such as FindAll(criteria).
But it ends up being really ugly and hard to read with all those Expression.Eq and what not.
And then other people also suggested using something like HQL. HQL looks A LOT like SQL.
So bottom line, it seems like the most clean and optimized way is to write plain and simple SQL queries. It goes straight to the point.
SELECT * FROM Countries //No loading of an entire tree of dependencies
SELECT * FROM States WHERE CountryId = @selectedId //1 call and you have all your states
Anyways, for now I'm using SQL queries and stored procedures for fetching data and ActiveRecord for saving/deleting objects.
Please correct me if I'm wrong... ?
Thanks Appreciated.