



In my app, I'm creating a notification with the FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT flag set as such..

Notification notification = new Notification(iconId, text, System.currentTimeMillis());  
notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;

I'm cancelling the notification in onDestroy, but if my app crashes before calling onDestroy, is there any way to have my notification go away?

Rob W.


No. When your app crashes, there's nothing that can be done after the crash! Either catch the exception and deal with it then (although catch Exception e {...} is an extremely bad idea), or make your app not crash (this would be a good tactic in my opinion).

+1  A: 

This is more or less the same question as, so I'll repeat my answer here:

I would recommend not having your app crash in the first place. If there's something that COULD crash, just put a try/catch around it and handle it properly.

Or, as some sort of global try/catch, you can use Thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(). Finally, you could even consider Runtime.addShutdownHook, but that's most likely a bad idea.

Fix your crashes. That's the only sane solution.

Yah that particular crash has been fixed, I was just hoping there was some way to handle it better in the field for any future bugs that may crop up and cause my app to crash.