Hello, I currently have the following menu:
<Menu Grid.Row="1" Margin="3" Background="Transparent">
<MenuItem Name="mnuFile" Header="File" Background="#28FFAE04" Foreground="#FFFED528">
<MenuItem Name="mnuSettings" Header="Settings" Background="#28FFAE04" Foreground="#FFFED528" />
<MenuItem Name="mnuExit" Header="Exit" Background="#28FFAE04" Foreground="#FFFED528" />
<MenuItem Name="mnuView" Header="View" Background="#28FFAE04" Foreground="#FFFED528" />
<MenuItem Name="mnuAbout" Header="About" Background="#28FFAE04" Foreground="#FFFED528" />
I cannot figure out how to make the part that drops down semi-transparent or completely transparent resembling floating text. So that I can see the form underneath.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!