For our small team of 20 developers, we used do code review like:
- Make a label in svn and publish the label to the reviewers
- Reviewers checkout the code and add comments in line (with marker like: // REVIEWER_NAME::REVIEW COMMENT:)
- After all comments are in, reviewer checks in the code, preferably with new label.
- Developer checks the comments and makes changes (if appropriate)
- Developer keeps an excel sheet report for considered changes and reasons for ignored comments
Problem: Developer needs to keep track of multiple labels which might have same comments
Sometimes we even do One on One review and if we really have time, even do Table review (team of reviewers looks at the code on projector, on the fly, and pass comment)
I was wondering: Are you guys using any specific tool which helps to do code reviews smoother?
I have heard of Code Collaborator. But have anyone used that? Is it worth the money?