



I'm responsible for some internal tools and I want to make debugging them as easy as possible on client machines. We used to ship with full source code and debugging information and built them in exactly the same location as the typical client install path. This made debugging extremely easy.

We have now moved to using Windows Installer to deploy our software, and we symbol serve the debugging information and source index the pdbs.

This now makes debugging a right pain, as for each client I want to debug, I have to change several options in Visual Studio to enable source indexing and add a file into a Visual Studio directory to stop it complaining about running the source control commands. I also can't search the source code easily as the files are only extracted on demand.

Is there a better way we can do this? I have tried hosting archives of the source code on a network share, and using symbolic links to alias the network share with the local hard drive on build, but that requires UNC paths, which the VS2008 manifest tool can't cope with.

We also have used an undocumented linker option (/sourcemap) which does let you redirect all the source paths to an arbitrary location, but this does not work for .Net apps (as that option is availble for link.exe)

Even if we supplied the source code with the installation, the paths in the PDB would still be wrong.

Is there any way to patch a PDB (supported or unsupported by Microsoft) to redirect the paths elsewhere?