While attempting to send a message for a queue through the BeginSend call seem te behave as a blocking call.
Specificly I have:
public void Send(MyMessage message)
var state = ...
try {
log.Info("Begin Sending...");
socket.BeginSend(message.AsBytes(),0, message.ByteLength, SocketFlags.None,
(r) => EndSend(r), state);
log.Info("Begin Send Complete.");
catch (SocketException e) {
The callback would be something like this:
private void EndSend(IAsyncResult result) {
log.Info("EndSend: Ending send.");
var state = (MySendState) result.AsyncState;
state.Socket.EndSend(result, out code);
log.Info("EndSend: Send ended.");
Most of the time this works fine, but sometimes it hangs. Logging indicates this happens when BeginSend en EndSend are excecuted on the same Thread. The WaitUntilNewMessageInQueue blocks until there is a new message in the queue, so when there is no new message it can wait quit a while.
As far as I can tell this should not really be a problem, but in the some cases BeginSend blocks causing a deadlock situation where EndSend is blocking on WaitUntilNewMessageInQueue (expected), but Send is blocking on BeginSend in return as it seems te be waiting for the EndSend callback te return (not expected).
This behaviour was not what I was expecting. Why does BeginSend sometimes block if the callback does not return in timely fashion?