This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but it gives me the same response as your example. Perhaps you can adjust it to suit your needs:
From bash, type:
$ wget -U 'Mozilla/5.0' -O - '' | sed 's/</\
</g' | sed -n '/href="http:\/\/www\.elseptimoarte\.net/p'
the "</g" starts a new line. Don't include the prompt ($). Someone more familiar with sed might do a better job than me. You can replace the query string 'batman' and/or the duplicate site url strings to suit your needs.
The following was my output:
<a href="" class=l>
<a href="" class=l>El Caballero Oscuro (2008) - El Séptimo Arte
<a href="" class=l>'
<a href="" class=l>(Esp. 15-17 Ago.)
<a href="" class=l>
<a href="" class=l>Se ponen en marcha las secuelas de '
<a href="" class=l>Tráilers en buena calidad de 'Indiana' y '
<a href="" class=l>(USA 8-10 Ago.) Impresionante.
<a href="" class=l>(USA 25-27 Jul.) Increíble.
<a href="" class=l>¿Aparecerá Catwoman en '