What is the default language for the user logged in to the SQL instance while running this t-sql? The date format you specified 31/12/2005 00:00:00 looks to be british and perhaps your default language is us_english.
Try running this t-sql to determine your current language:
SELECT @@language, @@langid
If it's us_english, then your date format should be mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
To keep your example alive, try changing your default language for the current user by doing the following:
--Get the current language setting for connected user
--Get information about all languages
EXEC sys.sp_helplanguage
--Get the name of the current user
SET @sysuser = SYSTEM_USER
PRINT @sysuser
EXEC sp_defaultlanguage @sysuser, 'british' --satisfying your example date
After you have changed the default language, reconnect your query window and you should be now utilizing the new default language.
To get back to the previous language setting, just EXEC sp_defaultlanguage again with the language setting you previously had.
Hopefully that works!