




I just installed iReport(Product Version: iReport Professional and try to create exiting crystal report file using iReport to see it makes my life easier.

First bump that I faced was Oracle stored procedure. I found below post and tried to apply it.

1) Set the Query language in the Report Query to plsql

2) Use the following syntax for the call "{call MyPackage.MyStoredProc($P{Cursor},$P {InputParam})}"

3) Define the Cursor param as java.sql.ResultSet

4) Type in the Fields of the result set by hand. I could not get the Automatically Retrieve Fields to work.

I am using iReport 3.7.1 on Windows XP which is bundled with the jasperreports-extensions-3.5.3.jar that contains the necessary PlSqlQueryExecuter classes.

I have conformed PlSqlQueryExecuter class exits in my classpath, the error message I got is

The parameter 'Cursor' is not defined

Here is my question. 1. Does anyone know how to define Ref Curssor in the iReport? 2. How do I type in the fields of the result set by hand??

Thanks for you time