Easier to describe by showing a simplified view of the existing data structure and the desired result...
Element Response ElementType ElementNumber
EntryVal.1 1234.56 EntryVal 1
EntryDes.1 'Current Value' EntryDes 1
EntryVal.2 4321.0 EntryVal 2
EntryDes.2 'Another Value' EntryDes 2
EntryVal.3 6543.21 EntryVal 3
EntryDes.3 'Final Value' EntryDes 3
Name Value
Current Value 1234.56
Another Value 4321.0
Final Value 6543.21
(split element column into ElementType and ElementNumber column in the hopes it might help)
Have tried various sub-selects but have not found the secret.
Could do some looping in PHP but hope there is a more elegant sole single MySQL query approach.
There is other columns like location involved so trying to keep it clean.