



I have implemented a helper extension method on an interface that my Master page implements called "Url" to create URLs using business logic.

This allows me to do this on my Master markup...

<a href="<%=this.Url("/mypage.aspx", forceHttps: true)%>">Click Me Secure</a>
<a href="<%=this.Url("/mypage.aspx")%>">Click Me Not Secure</a>

As you can infer from the above, I have an argument on the Url method called "forceHttps" that uses a default value.

This works great on the Master page.

The problem I am having is that pages that use the Master are showing validation errors stating that the Url method does not have an overload with 1 arguments.

Is there a way around this ?

EDIT: This is a non-issue. It turns out that there was a Virtual Directory under the parent site in IIS that was causing the problem...not sure why. Once I removed it, the problem went away.


Is it problematic to add a single argument overload? That seems like the simplest solution.

Edit: I'm unable to replicate the original problem. After testing, my local dev environment does not throw any validation errors for the above scenario. My test code is below.


public string CreateAlert(string text, string text2 = "default)
    return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" +
            text + ":" + text2 + "');</script>";


<%= this.CreateAlert("foo") %>
<%= this.CreateAlert("foo", "bar") %>

This produces two alerts and no validation errors on any page that uses MasterPage, "foo:default" and then "foo:bar".

Simple enough when I have one method, but what about when I have 30 helper methods with various options? Default arguments were designed to remove the necessity of method overloads. I would expect ASP.NET to recognize this new C# construct.
The validation error occurs on any page that uses the Master, regardless of usage.

Move Url method to some helper class and reference it with full name (ie. containing namespaces).

BTW: markup editor is showing errors in Error panel many times, but project can be built and runs ok.

Tomas Voracek