I've deconstructed a standard WPF button using Blend and have managed to create a nicely styled button, but I cannot figure out how to make the path fill the interior of the button space (the button width and height). I am also not sure if I need to specify ContentPresenter or even if it is correct. I am after the text in the middle of the button (as normal) but with my graphic path behind it.
Can anyone give me feedback on how to accomplish this? The style is defined as;
<ControlTemplate x:Key="CurvedButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Path Fill="#ff951c1f" Data="F1 M 64,16 C 64,24 56,31 48,31 L 15,31 C 7,31 0,24 0,16 C 0,7 7,0 15,0 L 48,0 C 56,0 64,7 64,16 Z" />
<ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="Auto" />
The usage of this button is;
<Button Template="{StaticResource CurvedButton}" FontFamily="MS Trebuchet" FontSize="40" Width="200" Height="120" Foreground="Black">XXXXXXXXXXX</Button>
When all is done, it should just look like a curvy red button.
Thanks in advance