



Hi ! I am pretty new to Eclipse. Trying to set up to do remote debugging.

Here is situation, I am connecting to remote machine running Linux, I am running Windows. 1) I have installed all the necessary tool for Eclipse, and was able to connect to Linux machine. 2) Remote machine has gdbserver

linux1[1]% gdbserver
Usage:  gdbserver [OPTIONS] COMM PROG [ARGS ...]
        gdbserver [OPTIONS] --attach COMM PID
        gdbserver [OPTIONS] --multi COMM

COMM may either be a tty device (for serial debugging), or
HOST:PORT to listen for a TCP connection.

  --debug               Enable debugging output.

Do I need to configure anything in gdbserver ???

3) What else should I configure in Eclipse ? for remote debugging ? 4) Does it matter that my GDB version is different from remote Machine GDB ?

Thanks !