Hi, Looking at answers to similar questions it sounds as if this error comes from a simple mistake but I cannot seem to find it
I have a set of buttons for each letter of the alphabet. When a user clicks one a list of sport players is returned in a drop down list. The user then clicks on a name to get more information about that player. I have a menu listing different sports and the selection of one changes the state. In this example there are 2 states MLB and EPL
The button click actions this protected function callButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { var buttonInitial:String = event.target.label; if (currentState == "EPL"){ getEPLPlayersResult.token = scraping.getEPLPlayers(buttonInitial);
if (currentState == "MLB"){
getMLBPlayersResult.token = scraping.getMLBPlayers(buttonInitial);
I then have callresponders
and the dropdown lists
<s:DropDownList width="165"
labelField="fullName" change="dropDownList_changeHandler(event)"
<s:DropDownList width="165"
<s:AsyncListView id="EPLalv" list="{TypeUtility.convertToCollection(getEPLPlayersResult.lastResult)}"/>
the dropDownList_changeHandler gets the further info dependent on player selected and currentstate
I am getting the error showing at the 'include in "EPL" ' and following AsyncListView lines
Any help much appreciated