Hello. I've got a page that has a button control and several links to download files. The links for the file downloads point to a generic handler, since these files are secured and they will only be returned if the user is logged in.
If I load the page and click the button without doing anything else it works fine, and the event fires. But if I click a link and download a file, the next time I click the button it simply downloads the file again, instead of firing the event.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Here is an example link that is generated for downloading a file. These are generated using an ASP.NET LinkButton control inside an ASP.NET repeater control.
<a id="ctl00_Content_LessonFileRepeater_ctl06_FileLinkButton" href="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$Content$LessonFileRepeater$ctl06$FileLinkButton", "", false, "", "Handlers/FileDownload.ashx?id=02142fe4-12ab-43bf-82f4-5a72b604ab7b", false, true))">My File.zip</a>
Edit: Here is the code in the download handler.
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
if (!AuthenticationHelper.UserIsLoggedIn)
string fileId = context.Request.QueryString["id"];
if (!Regex.IsMatch(fileId, RegexConstants.Guid))
var lessonFileRepository = new LessonFileRepository();
LessonFile file = lessonFileRepository.GetById(new Guid(fileId));
if (file == null)
if (!AuthenticationHelper.CurrentUser.AuthorizedLessons.Any(i => i.LessonFiles.Any(j => j.LessonFileId == file.LessonFileId)))
context.Response.Buffer = true;
string encodedFileName = context.Server.UrlEncode(file.FileName + '.' + file.FileExtension);
encodedFileName = encodedFileName.Replace(@"+",
context.Request.Browser.Browser == "IE"
? @"%20"
: @"_");
context.Response.AddHeader("content-length", GetFileLength(context, file.Lesson.LessonNumber, file.FileName+"."+file.FileExtension));
context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + encodedFileName + ";");
context.Response.ContentType = "application/" + GetContentType(file.FileExtension) + ";";
context.Response.WriteFile("~/LessonFiles/Lesson" + file.Lesson.LessonNumber + "/" +
file.FileName + '.' + file.FileExtension);
protected string GetFileLength(HttpContext context, int lessonNumber, string fullFileName)
var fileData = File.OpenRead(context.Server.MapPath("~/LessonFiles/Lesson" + lessonNumber + "/" + fullFileName));
return fileData.Length.ToString();