



I have a DomainService with a few methods.

One has a return type of string and no parameter:

public string MyMethod1() { }

I can call this one from Silverlight.

One has a return type of void, and a parameter that is a domain object (I am using LinqToSqlDomainService and this object is part of the DataContext):

public void MyMethod2(MyDomainObject object) { }

I can also call this one from Silverlight.

Another one has a return type of string and a parameter that is a domain object:

public string MyMethod3(MyDomainObject object) { }

I cannot call this one from Silverlight, as the method doesn't get generated on the proxy.

Why is it not generated and what can I do about it?

+2  A: 

Try adding the [Invoke] attribute to the operation.

I created a sample application defined with the following contract and I was able to have all three methods generated in the Silverlight application.

Here is the DBML file. LINQ to SQL DBML file

Here is the defined service.

public class DomainService1 : LinqToSqlDomainService<DataClasses1DataContext>
    public Player GetPlayer()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void MyMethod(Player player)

    public string MyMethod2(Player player)
        return String.Empty;

And this was the generated code in the Silverlight project:

/// <summary>
/// Gets an EntityQuery instance that can be used to load <see cref="Player"/> entities using the 'GetPlayer' query.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An EntityQuery that can be loaded to retrieve <see cref="Player"/> entities.</returns>
public EntityQuery<Player> GetPlayerQuery()
    this.ValidateMethod("GetPlayerQuery", null);
    return base.CreateQuery<Player>("GetPlayer", null, false, false);

/// <summary>
/// Invokes the 'MyMethod' method of the specified <see cref="Player"/> entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="player">The <see cref="Player"/> entity instance.</param>
public void MyMethod(Player player)

/// <summary>
/// Asynchronously invokes the 'MyMethod2' method of the domain service.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="player">The value for the 'player' parameter of this action.</param>
/// <param name="callback">Callback to invoke when the operation completes.</param>
/// <param name="userState">Value to pass to the callback.  It can be <c>null</c>.</param>
/// <returns>An operation instance that can be used to manage the asynchronous request.</returns>
public InvokeOperation<string> MyMethod2(Player player, Action<InvokeOperation<string>> callback, object userState)
    Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    parameters.Add("player", player);
    this.ValidateMethod("MyMethod2", parameters);
    return ((InvokeOperation<string>)(this.InvokeOperation("MyMethod2", typeof(string), parameters, true, callback, userState)));

/// <summary>
/// Asynchronously invokes the 'MyMethod2' method of the domain service.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="player">The value for the 'player' parameter of this action.</param>
/// <returns>An operation instance that can be used to manage the asynchronous request.</returns>
public InvokeOperation<string> MyMethod2(Player player)
    Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    parameters.Add("player", player);
    this.ValidateMethod("MyMethod2", parameters);
    return ((InvokeOperation<string>)(this.InvokeOperation("MyMethod2", typeof(string), parameters, true, null, null)));
Joe McBride
"Operation named 'Method4' does not conform to the required signature. Parameter types must be an entity type or one of the predefined serializable types." - My type is defined in my LinqToSql classes (.dbml) file. It does not have an Entity attribute, just a TableAttribute.
Xavier Poinas
Does your type have a Key defined?
Joe McBride