I would like to know whether we can create Test Suites for WATIN. Im using WATIN to automate my Web Application. I was planning to create a set of Test Cases and save them in an Excel sheet and use WATIN to read data from them. But since its not posible using WATIN, I'm planning to create a Test Suite.
You need a testing framework like MbUnit (Gallio), xUnit.Net, NUnit, or MSTest to drive Watin and also to read data from an Excel-Sheet (this xls thing is easiest with xUnit.Net, because it has an extra attribute to utilize Excel data). With that in place, of course you can create everything you want/need/dream of.
Watin itself is not ment to be a real testing framework, but only kind of a 'driver' for browser-based tests.
As a personal choice, I would go with Thomas suggestion, WatiN is best used in conjunction with an UnitTest framework.
But there's a project, called Wax (http://wax.codeplex.com/), that can create test using data in an Excel file.
Never used it, nor I know much how it's work, but it may suite your taste and requirement.