



Given a Type object in .NET, is it possible for me to get the source code filename? I know this would only be available in Debug builds and that's fine, I also know that I can use the StackTrace object to get the filename for a particular frame in a callstack, but that's not what I want.

But is it possible for me to get the source code filename for a given System.Type?

+1  A: 

Considering that at least C# supports partial class declarations (say, public partial class Foo in two source code files), what would "the source code filename for a given System.Type" mean? If a type declaration is spread out over multiple source code files within the same assembly, there is no single point in the source code where the declaration begins.

@Darin Dimitrov: This doesn't seem like a duplicate of "How to get the source file name and the line number of a type member?" to me, since that is about a type member, whereas this question is about a type.

Michael Kjörling