




When deploying a software package containing a VB6 executable and a .NET component, is the .TLB file needed?

If not, would it be sufficient to include the .DLL and have it regasm-ed during installation?

+3  A: 

If you were to include the .tlb file in the install, you would need a way to register that file for COM.

Instead, you can exclude the .tlb file and just regasm the dll; the .tlb will be created and registered on the user's system.

C-Pound Guru
This is a surprise, but according to this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tzat5yw6(VS.71).aspx, it sure sounds like you don't need to distribute the TLB for the .net assembly. I always thought you did. I'll have to go back and try that later.

You will need both the .DLL and .TLB file. Registering during installation is what I think you should do if you don't put it in the GAC. Run RegAsm with the /codebase command line switch.

Also make sure set the .NET assembly property COMVisible = true.
