+8  A: 

What part of the description section did you have trouble with?

CPAN has a few metadata files which describe its contents. This module allows you to parse one of them and extract its data in a simple fashion.

Unless you're writing software that interacts programmatically with CPAN then this module is unlikely to be useful to you. If I recall correctly, Leon wrote it because he needed it to write CPAN::Mini::Webserver.

Hello Davorg, many thanks well it gives back the following datamy $author = $p->author('LBROCARD');# $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object# ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authorsprint $author->email, "\n"; # [email protected] $author->name, "\n"; # Leon Brocardprint $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD.......of all (!!!) CPAN Authors and their work... withmodule, name , mail-adress and so on! Thx in advance!,
I'm now not sure what your question is. Haven't I answered it?