




I'm getting this warning below for one of my controllers, but its not just about warning, it actually doesn't do the work because of this missing argument.

I checked the controller file and I see that I'm already sending 3 arguments. In the object.php file of cakephp, on line 127, I see the following: return $this->{$method}($params[0], $params[1]);

This program was running well for months, but suddenly yesterday, it started showing this warning and the problem.

Here is the warning, I get,

Missing argument 3 for SomeController::Report(), called in ...../web/content/bolt/cake/libs/object.php on line 127 and defined [APP/controllers/Somecontroller.php, line 32]

P.S : I changed the controller name here for this question.

+1  A: 

Hello tecks,

you could go for the debug_kit plugin, which gives more verbose information, e.g it provides you with some context, which could be helpful.

Kind regards, Benjamin.
