



Let's say I have a Person record in a database, and there's an Age field for the person.

Now I have a page that allows me to filter for people in certain age ranges.

For example, I can choose multiple range selections, such as "0-10", "11-20", "31-40".

So in this case, I'd get back a list of people between 0 and 20, as well as 30 to 40, but not 21-30.

I've taken the age ranges and populated a List of ranges that looks like this:

class AgeRange
     int Min { get; set; }
     int Max { get; set; }

List<AgeRange> ageRanges = GetAgeRanges();

I am using LINQ to SQL for my database access and queries, but I can't figure out how query the ranges.

I want to do something like this, but of course, this won't work since I can't query my local values against the SQL values:

var query = from person in db.People 
            where ageRanges.Where(ages => person.Age >= ages.Min && person.Age <= ages.Max).Any())
            select person;
+4  A: 

You could build the predicate dynamically with PredicateBuilder:

static Expression<Func<Person, bool>> BuildAgePredicate(IEnumerable<AgeRange> ranges)
    var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Person>();
    foreach (var r in ranges)
        // To avoid capturing the loop variable
        var r2 = r;
        predicate = predicate.Or (p => p.Age >= r2.Min && p.Age <= r2.Max);
    return predicate;

You can then use this method as follows:

var agePredicate = BuildAgePredicate(ageRanges);
var query = db.People.Where(agePredicate);
Thomas Levesque
Oh, nice. Much cleaner than what I was thinking of :)
When I run this it seems to only return people whose age is in the last specified date range, but no others.
+1 for the cleanliness though! I am definitely going to start using this!
Thanks for the solution. I'd like to not have to add a dependency on a third party dll if I can. I like your idea and was thinking about building my own custom expression, but am struggling in doing so.
@diceguyd30, well spotted ! I was capturing the loop variable, which is why only the last range was taken into account. It's fixed now.
Thomas Levesque
@Makotosan, you don't need to depend on a third party DLL. You can just copy the code of the PredicateBuilder class to your project, it's very short. That's actually what Jo Albahari recommands...
Thomas Levesque
Now that works like a charm! Change my +1 to be for cleanliness and having the best working solution!

As one of your errors mentioned you can only use a local sequence with the 'Contains' method. One option would then be to create a list of all allowed ages like so:

    var ages = ageRanges
        .Aggregate(new List<int>() as IEnumerable<int>, (acc, x) => 
            acc.Union(Enumerable.Range(x.Min,x.Max - (x.Min - 1)))

Then you can call:

People.Where(x => ages.Contains(x.Age))

A word of caution to this tale, should your ranges be large, then this will FAIL!

(This will work well for small ranges (your max number of accepted ages will probably never exceed 100), but any more than this and both of the above commands will become VERY expensive!)

The problem with this solution is that it won't work well for big ranges. For example, let's say I was filtering by salary ranges instead of ages.
Indeed. I felt comfortable with this here since the range will be relatively small (100 items tops?), but you are absolutely correct. Any other domain and this could be quite the expensive operation! I'll edit with a warning.

Thanks to Thomas' answer, I was able to create this more generic version that seems to be working:

   static IQueryable<T> Between<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, Expression<Func<T, decimal>> predicate, IEnumerable<NumberRange> ranges)
        var exp = PredicateBuilder.False<T>();

        foreach (var range in ranges)
            exp = exp.Or(
                    Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(predicate.Body, Expression.Constant(range.Min)), predicate.Parameters))
                    .And(Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.LessThanOrEqual(predicate.Body, Expression.Constant(range.Max)), predicate.Parameters));

        return query.Where(exp);