




I'm writing some scripts with Fake for some QA routines. However, I'm having some trouble with emulating the a click in Gmail.

The basic idea is to activating an account with an activation link. So I'm pretty stuck with the QA routine right now.

I thought Javascript can be a useful idea. Any ideas on that? Gmail's DOM is ID hell.

Any ideas? Thanks!


I don't really know about your situation, so what I'm about to write might not help you at all, but I hope it does anyway.

Generally, a Click is an event raised, a delegate method that is called when the link is clicked. I would perhaps consider simply calling this method from this generated page/email to activate the fake account for your QA routine.

Does this help? =S

Will Marcouiller
Hmmm. Thanks for trying. But no. Clicking an element in Gmail is a bit of a head-ache, since they're over-complex markup returns null to most getElementByID calls etc.
Thanks for letting me know, and for your understanding! =) Besides, what does the code look like? I could perhaps find a reference point from which I could help, or not.
Will Marcouiller
You can simply View Source on your Gmail account (if you have one). Pasting the code wouldn't help. It's too gibberish.