Currently in code i have used an object factory to return me a processor based of a string tag, which has severed its purpose up until now.
using Core;
using Data;
public static class TagProcessorFactory
public static ITagProcessor GetProcessor(string tag)
switch (tag)
case "gps0":
return new GpsTagProcessor();
case "analog_manager":
return new AnalogManagerTagProcessor();
case "input_manager":
return new InputManagerTagProcessor();
case "j1939":
return new J1939TagProcessor(new MemcachedProvider(new[] { "localhost" }, "DigiGateway"), new PgnRepository());
return new UnknownTagProcessor();
Calling Code
var processor = TagProcessorFactory.GetProcessor(tag.Name);
if (!(processor is UnknownTagProcessor))
var data = processor.Process(unitId, tag.Values);
Trace.WriteLine("Tag <{0}> processed. # of IO Items => {1}".FormatWith(tag.Name, data.Count()));
as you can see one of my items has dependencies and im trying to execute testing code and i want to pass in mock repositories and cache providers but i can seem to think of a way to do this.
Is this a bad design or anyone have any ideas to fix it to make my factory testable?