Every week I produce a word document with some copy, tables and charts from various sources on our network.
It can take a bit of time and sometimes I make mistakes or forget stuff that should go in. I want to automate this process as much as possible.
So basically I want to make a Word Template or Console App that when I open/run it it goes off and collects all this stuff and links it into the various parts of the document.
Assume I have to insert:
- Some copy from another Word document
- A PNG (pie chart)
- Create a table from a CSV file
- Have a standard Header and Footer with page numbering
I usually make a few changes to the copy in the document to highlight the highlight from the week.
Then I check it into a SharePoint where network users can open and view it.
I figure the thing to do is crack open VS2010 and make a Word Template project. I have never done this before and I wondered what traps there are or if its even an appropriate way to solve my problem.
My other option would be some power-shell but i'm no expert there either.
I'd be pretty comfortable writing console apps so I might end up doing it that way.
Help/Advice appreciated.