



Like for .NET we have some special tools/framework/open source like Entity framework, log4net, various open source tools and projects.. Do we have similar kinds of add on's/tools/software for SQL Server [which is free, of course] ?

I am a .NET developer and this is my first deep step to sql server, till now I have worked only on SP,Views and functions. I just wanted to explore the others features too.

+5  A: 

I can't live without

+1. SSMS Tools pack is great
Mitch Wheat
+3  A: 

And of course, there is the built-in tool, SQL Profiler which is really worth learning.

Mitch Wheat
+1  A: 

Two absolutely indispensable tools for me are:

  • Red-Gate Software's SQL Prompt - really useful Intellisense, *-expansion, templates and so much more

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  • Red-Gate Software's SQL Search - a FREE SQL Server Mangement Studio add-on to search for database objects - any of them - by name or parts of names. Extremely useful in everyday work

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For unit testing frameworks, check out either TSQLUnit or T.S.T. the T-SQL Test Tool.

Ray Vega