I'm confused
Does order matter when installing Sphinx Search. If mysql was already installed on my server, can I still install sphinx after or do I have to do them together or Sphinx before?
I'm confused
Does order matter when installing Sphinx Search. If mysql was already installed on my server, can I still install sphinx after or do I have to do them together or Sphinx before?
Yes, definitely you can install Sphinx after all. The typical Sphinx client API - it's just a PHP class.
It's more than just a PHP class... there's a search daemon and indexer that have to run on the server as well - but yes - it's often installed after mysql is already installed.
If you're going to use the SphinxSE engine in MySQL, you will need to recompile MySQL to include the engine.
Refer to this part of the manual: http://www.sphinxsearch.com/docs/manual-0.9.9.html#sphinxse-mysql50. We didn't use the SphinxSE engine, we just used the PHP api client, and that we installed after having Apache/PHP/MySQL installed.
You will need to compile Sphinx yourself, but the method is given in that manual link I provided.