



I would like to code a REST based HTTP API which is accessible from .NET and any other language like for example Python.

Should I use WCF for this? Or will that make the other languages harder to interop with my API?

I want the server to carry no state at all, and I want to be able to take advantage of HTTP persistent connections because a typical clinet will make many HTTP calls in a row. (maybe 2 hours straight of calls)

I am allowed to use .NET 4.


I suggest you try using WCF. Create a simple web service first (with only one call) and see if it suits your needs. Shouldn't take you long to do this. You may find this tutorial useful.

+1  A: 

WCF can do about anything you'll need, but it has a steep learning curve. The REST Starter Kit from Microsoft is very helpful.

Another .NET REST framework is OpenRasta - I haven't personally used it, but I've heard good things about it.


You should consider WCF, ASP.NET MVC and WCF Data Services. This article has a reasonable discussion on the pros and cons of each appproach:

See also this SO question:

+5  A: 

There is new stuff coming in WCF to support HTTP and REST. See,

I wrote an intro blog post here

Darrel Miller
The documentation is too sparse and it seems like it is changing too rapidly. I think this will be good maybe in a few months but as it is now I don't think it is good enough.
wcf guru needed
@wcf The point is you can start using System.ServiceModel.Web and you will be able to seamlessly migrate to the new stack when you are comfortable with its stability.
Darrel Miller