




Given this line of code in C:

printf("%3.0f\t%6.1f\n", fahr, ((5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32)));

Is there a way to delete or yank from the first bold parenthesis to its matching parenthesis? I thought about df), but that only will get you to just after the 9.0.

Is there a similar way to get vim to grab everything between matching braces, regardless of newlines?


How about 3df)? This way you have to count how many closing parens you want to delete, though.

And, because of the counting, the % operator (motion) is the better choice.
Jonathan Leffler
+2  A: 

Place your cursor on the first parenthesis, then press v%y or v%d.

David Norman
Great! % jumps to the matching paren. So you can even use d% and y%.
While correct, this answer would be nice if it explained the _why_...
What is the purpose of the 'v'? I've always used 'y%' or 'd%'. Also, in classic vi, 'v' is one of the few unused letters. (I'll guess: v% is a visual highlight, and then the d/y operates on that scope?)
Jonathan Leffler
OK - tests confirm v% highlights the range. Useful, but not always necessary (thanks to the undo). Live and learn.
Jonathan Leffler
Note, too, that 'd%' can start at the beginning of a function name, and will delete the entire function call. It also works for '{}', '[]' and even '<>' pairs.
Jonathan Leffler
@Leffler, Thanks for the tips! And it's good to know % works in visual mode as well.
+5  A: 

You can use d% for deleting and y% for yanking.

While correct, this answer would be nice if it explained the _why_...
% is the movement specifier for "matched parenthesis, bracket, or brace". Any movement specification can be paired with d and y (and many other things).
@hop, You asked for an explanation (in essence). Someone interested in why could possibly open the comments and read chaos's explanation.
i did not ask for anything, i suggested that the answer could be made more useful with an explanation.
+30  A: 

Various Motions: %

The % command jumps to the match of the item under the cursor. Position the cursor on the opening (or closing) paren and use y% for yanking or d% for deleting everything from the cursor to the matching paren.

This works because % is a "motion command", so it can be used anywhere vim expects such a command. From :help y:

["x]y{motion}       Yank {motion} text [into register x].  When no
                    characters are to be yanked (e.g., "y0" in column 1),
                    this is an error when 'cpoptions' includes the 'E'

By default, "item" includes brackets, braces, parens, C-style comments and various precompiler statements (#ifdef, etc.).

There is a plugin for "extended % matching" that you can find on the Vim homepage.

You can read the documentation on % and related motion commands by entering :help various-motions in command mode.


There is another set of motion commands that you can use in Visual mode to select various text objects.

To solve your specific problem you would do the following:

printf("%3.0f\t%6.1f\n", fahr, ((5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32)));

Let's say your cursor is positioned at ^. Enter the following sequence to select the part you are looking for:


First v enters Visual mode, then you specify that you want to go 2 levels of parens up. Finally the a) selects "a block". After that you can use d or x to delete, etc.

If you don't want to include the outer parens, you can use "inner block" instead:


See :help object-select for the complete list of related commands.

Thanks! I knew about % switching between matching items; didn't know it was useful within commands as well. +1 and accepted.
I second the use of text-objects.
+13  A: 

What about dib or di(.

It will delete the inner (...) block where the cursor is.

I love text-object motions and selections!

Luckily, this question is the first hit when I google for it – I don’t know how many times this answer has saved me. And I always forget it … :-(
Konrad Rudolph