



I am looking at trying to place a hover() method onto each array element. Then when the cursor rolls over the character, it is copied into another div. I am kinda lost. Do you have suggestions?

<script type="text/javascript" scr=""&gt;


<script type="text/javascript">
var str="one two three four five";
var a1 = new Array();
//document.write(a1.join(" <br /> "));
//document.write(str.split("") + "<br />");

for (var i=0;i<a1.length;i++) {

    // for each array element attach hover method, when rollover then feed to over div magnifyView
    $("a1[i]").hover(function () {
      // put into magnifyView upon hover on array element


<div id='stringToView'><script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('stringToView').innerHTML = str;</script> </div>

<br /><br />
<div id='magnifyView' style="font-size:36px;"> what's here</div>

+1  A: 

Build out an HTML element for each of your items in the array, and assign it a class.

<span class="canHover">...array</span>

Then you can attach to the hover event of all of them with jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
     $('.canHover').hover(function() {
          // Your hover code here...

for (var i=0;i<a1.length;i++) { // for each array element attach hover method, when rollover then feed to over div magnifyView // put into magnifyView upon hover on array element $(function(){ $('.canHover').hover(function() { // Your hover code here... //mouseover document.getElementById('stringToView').innerHTML = a1[i]; //mouseoff document.getElementById('stringToView').innerHTML = ""; });}</script>
You don't need to $('.canHover') inside your loop.
get nothing stilll...<script type="text/javascript">var str="one two three four five";var a1 = new Array();a1=str.split(""); $(function(){ $('.canHover').hover(function() { // Your hover code here... document.getElementById('magnifyView').innerHTML = a1[i]; document.getElementById('magnifyView').innerHTML = ""; });</script><div id='stringToView'><span class="canHover"><script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('stringToView').innerHTML = a1;</script> </span></div><br /><br /><div id='magnifyView' style="font-size:36px;"> what's here</div>

Here's a quick but working approach.. Have fun ;)

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $(function() {
      var str       = "one two three four five",
          array     = str.split(""),
          viewPort  = $('<div />', { id: 'stringToView' });

      for(var objId in array) {
        var obj = $('<span/>', { text: array[objId] }).hover(function() {
          var clone = $(this).clone();

    <div id='magnifyView' style="font-size:36px;"> what's here</div>

EDIT: A little explanation: I go through your array and wrap each letter with a span. Probably it would work without the span but now you can handle them later with a simple $('#stringToView span'). Every letter then get's it's hover binding and is been appended to a Holder (<div id="stringToView"></div> - that was your naming ^^) which gets prepended to the body.

Lucky you that I'm bored :)
Yes -- your code helped me a lot! still need more!

A slightly more concrete example of the code from XSaint32

Link to working sample:

You would want to generate some html as described (and the display div) that you would bind the hover event to - please note, you can't bind directly to a JavaScript array as there isn't any UI element that would represent it on the screen:

  <ul class="canHover">
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>
  <div id="stringToView"></div>

Then, to wire up your hover event:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function(){ // delay execution until DOM is fully constructed
    $(".canHover li").hover(           // bind to the children LI elements
      function() {                     // mouseEnter event first
        var text = $(this).text();     // copy 'hovered' text value
        $("#stringToView").text(text); // set the value in the div
      function() {                     // mouseLeave event second
        $("#stringToView").text("");   // clear the value from the div
thanks for your answer! new to JS, I am.

By the way: If you're looking for a jQuery text-magnify plugin, you should have a look at

and for demonstration:

I think this is just what you're trying to do. Good luck.

yes -- that's a good one. I started with that but got lost. With that jQuery text-magnify plugin, I could not get the characters to flow into the magnifer graphic div or change the hover so the effects would contain the text in the graphic. have you looked at that plugin?
I added this effect... it did not work...$('#mag').jMagnify({ centralEffect: {'background': 'url(MagLens1.png) no-repeat 100% 50%'}, lat1Effect: {}, lat2Effect: {}, lat3Effect: {}, resetEffect: {} }); });
any suggestions for ?
what is a good online jQuery tutorial or even tutorials that teach advanced topics? do you know any ?
@windsurf88: have a look at the plugin source. It's a good approach and you could build on top of it. Can't help you with good jQuery tutorials - you might just ask google.