




For my site I want to have a page which I will call programatically to add content. The parameters that I will need are some strings and the content of a file. I will invoke that with WebRequest object form .net. How can I send the string parameters and the content of a file in a post request and read them in the aspx page?

Is there any possibility to send an array of objects like to a web service?

Thanks, Radu


If you really need a page to get some content, you can use QueryString to pass your parameters to your page. The easiest way is to use QueryString.

Also you can send your parameters as form values (simply input elements), and try to get them in your content page using Request object.

And how can I send a binary file in the query string?
Radu D
@Radu D: I thought you want to send only the name of a file that exists in your server. Then the only way looks like sending your file as a form element to server.