I am updating some code from the old mysql_* functions to PDO. It connects without a problem, runs the query without a problem, but the resultset is empty. PDO::query() is supposed to return a PDOStatement object, yet I am getting true in return. No errors are reported.
Here is my code:
$DB = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname", "user", "pass");
$stmt = $DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM report_clientinfo");
}catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
echo gettype($stmt) . "\n";
if ($stmt) echo "true\n";
else echo "false\n";
$resultset = $stmt->fetchAll();
exit("ERROR: getClientInfo query failed.");
$DB = null;
The output I am seeing is:
object true ERROR: getClientInfo query failed.
Any ideas why it is not returning any results?