Here's a shot in the dark, based on what I imagine you're trying to achieve. I'm going to assume you're running a Window based full trust local app. Trust probably won't matter, just setting context.
There are three pieces to the solution I'm imagining:
Window1.xaml (your main app window)
<Window blah blah>
<!--Your application content-->
<local:PseudoDock VerticalAlignment='Bottom' />
<UserControl Height='5'>
<Trigger Property='FrameworkElement.IsMouseOver'>
<Setter Property='Height' Value='NaN' />
<StackPanel Orientation='Horizontal' />
<Button Command='{Binding Path=Command}'>
<Image Source='{Binding Path=Icon}' />
<TextBlock Source='{Binding Path=Label}' />
The important thing about the dock is that it's 5 pixels tall, which is unnoticeable at the bottom, and has a mouseover which raises it to full height. (You could also try setting an explicit height, I imagine that setting the height to NaN will have it measure against its children but I could be wrong).
Lastly, the structure of the items which make up the dock:
class DockItem{
ICommand Command{get;set;}
String Label{get;set;}
ImageSource Icon{get;set;}
(After comment exchange)
If you're looking to have it transparently sit over the desktop you'll need to set it this way:
<Window WindowStyle='None' Background='Transparent' State='Maximized'>