



If I have a normal

 <?php echo "Today (".mysql_num_rows($query)."); ?>

That turns out as Today (10) if there's 10 rows.

Now under this counter I have an while() that outputs all the rows inside a <tr>.

In a <td> inside the tr i have this delete button, which hides closest 'tr'.

How can I when you hide the 'tr' the Today(10) will decrease to Today(9) ?


I dont think its possible with the current counter (mysql_num_rows), but maybe if you count how many 'tr' there is, in the Today(), you could make something that decreases, but I do not know how to do this. Although this is just an thought..

+1  A: 

you can do something like this :

$('.deleteButton').click(function() {
   var curn = parseInt($('.counter').text(), 10);
   if(curn - 1 >= 0)
      $('.counter').text(curn - 1); 

and change your echo to

 <?php echo "Today (<span class='counter'>".mysql_num_rows($query)."</span>)"; ?>
Soufiane Hassou
Never forget the radix parameter in the `parseInt` function: `parseInt(num, 10);`
Great catch, I awalys forget that one :)
Soufiane Hassou
That was nice, thank you. Could you how the code works, as i would like to learn
Basically, when deteleButton is clicked, we get the text from the counter parse it to be an integer and update the counter again with the new value (which is curn - 1)
Soufiane Hassou
And what does , 10 means in the integer?
ParseInt definition: (10 is the radix, The radix parameter is used to specify which numeral system to be used, for example, a radix of 16 (hexadecimal) indicates that the number in the string should be parsed from a hexadecimal number to a decimal number.)
Soufiane Hassou
It specifies the radix (base) to use: As an example of what can go wrong: `parseInt('08'); //0`, where-as `parseInt('08', 10); //8`.

Wrap the number so you can select is easily:

<?php echo 'Today (<span id="number">'.mysql_num_rows($query).'</span>)'; ?>

Then when a delete button is clicked:

// Get the number element once
var num = $('#number');

// Set an onclick event on your button

    // Find the closest table row and remove it
    $(this).closest( 'tr' ).remove();

    // num.text() will get the text inside the number element
    // parseInt is used to convert it from string to int
    // subtract 1 to update the number
    var newNumber = parseInt( num.text(), 10 ) - 1;

    // And set the new number text
    num.text( newNumber );

    // Stop the default browser action - might cause the page to reload or to scroll
    return false;
+2  A: 

Alter your PHP accordingly:

<?php echo 'Today (<span class="counter">' . mysql_num_rows($query) . '</span>)'; ?>

And have something like this for your delete button:

$('#theTable').delegate('button.delete', 'click', function (event) {

    $('span.counter').text(function (index, val) {
        return (parseInt(val, 10) - 1);


Note the use of delegate: It's much more efficient than it would be to bind an event handler to each delete button.

You'll have to alter the selector for your table and your delete button accordingly.

+1 for passing a function in the `text` method
Just a note: `.slideUp()` doesn't work properly on table rows. And it would be nicer if you called `$(this).remove()` in the callback of `.slideUp()`, that way the element would actually be removed and not just hidden. :)
Tatu Ulmanen
@Tatu: Didn't know about slideUp not working on rows! What a shame ;-;. I chose not to `.remove()` the row incase it has the possibility of getting shown again!

Output your counter to a JavaScript var and use it in your loop and Today() function call. I'm assuming you're trying to output a client side function call from the server?

 <?php echo "var count=".mysql_num_rows($query).";Today(count);" ?>

In your delete handler decrement count and call Today(count) again.

David Clarke

try it at:

Today(<span id="counter">3</span>)


<script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

    $(function() {
        $('table tr').find('td:last').click(function() {
            $('#counter').html($('#counter').html() - 1)
